Message from Mayor Lucarelli - FH Fields Tennis Courts Open TODAY at NOON - May 8, 2020

 FH Fields Tennis Courts Open TODAY at NOON

May 8, 2020

Dear Fair Haven Residents:

The Borough will be opening the Fair Haven Fields Tennis Courts as of 12:00pm today, Friday, May 8th. Please know that this decision did not come without careful deliberation and strong consideration of many aspects. With anticipated high demand for court space, we have created an online registration system.

Reservations are required for all FHF tennis court use: Folks who would like to play will be able to create an account and then reserve court time- up to 14 days in advance. Registrants will be able to reserve up to 120 total minutes of court space per day.

Registration information and safe play guidelines will be posted online and at the courts.

· Fair Haven Fields is Green Acres. As such, we cannot restrict Fair Haven Fields Tennis Court use to “Fair Haven Only”.

· You will notice that pickleball is limited to courts #1 and #2 only.

o Pickleball is played in closer proximity as compared to tennis. Limiting play to two courts is intended to decrease close proximity use, while keeping courts open to both tennis and pickleball players.
o The system will only allow pickleball registrations on courts #1 and #2.

*The Community Center tennis courts will remain closed at this time.
*The status of all other public spaces remains the same as last reported- no changes at this time.

I am again asking all residents to please continue to social distance in our parks as best they can. This is a time for us to be both vigilant and considerate of the greater community. It would be disappointing to have a few people’s thoughtless behavior result in a reevaluation of this decision.  Our goal is to keep the parks safe and available to all during this very challenging time.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.
Mayor Ben Lucarelli