Executive Order from the Mayor and Emergency Management Coordinator

Executive Order from the Mayor and Emergency Management Coordinator

March 18, 2020

Dear Fair Haven Residents:

Earlier today, Police Chief/OEM Director, Joe McGovern and I signed a Declaration of Local Disaster/Emergency for the Borough of Fair Haven. This declaration, as attached, is in alignment with the Governor’s Executive Orders #103 and #104 and it includes a summary of restrictions that pertain to Fair Haven.

Please click here to view the Declaration

At this time of uncertainty, I am asking all our residents to do your best to remain calm and to please follow the guidelines set forth to keep you and your family safe and isolated from the coronavirus. We are going to be closing our Borough playgrounds and courts tomorrow; however, over 80 acres of Fair Haven’s open space parkland will remain available to the public. Please practice recommended social distancing practices, by maintaining at least six feet between persons in the park. Getting outside to exercise in your own backyard, or in our parks, is very good for your physical and mental health.

The Borough will continue to send out official and useful information on all of our communication platforms. I know there is caring volunteerism going on throughout this community, on a daily basis, which I applaud and appreciate. We are fortunate to live in this small tightknit community, especially when our size and familiarity makes it easier to care for our friends and neighbors, in this time of need.

Thank you and please stay strong and safe.

Mayor Ben Lucarelli